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Found 57399 articles
  • Human versus automated agents: how user preferences affect future mobility systems

    2023 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Ahadi, Ramin; Taudien, Anna; Ketter, Wolfgang

    Abstract: Along with rapid advancements in digital, and physical technologies, shared aut ... Expand

    Topics: ride sharing platform user behavior service quality decision making artificial intelligence

    Methods: simulation agent based simulation experiment literature study sensitivity analysis

    Theories: technology acceptance model general systems theory

  • Managing In-Company IT Standardization: A Design Theory


    2023 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0

    Authors: Ahlemann, Frederik; Dittes, Sven; Fillbrunn, Tim; Rehring, Kevin; Reining, Stefan; Urbach, Nils

    Abstract: Today’s companies rely heavily on in-company information technology standards (I ... Expand

    Topics: information systems standardization enterprise architecture IS maturity organizational control decision making

    Methods: design theory qualitative interview design principle descriptive statistic case study

    Theories: organizational control theory

  • Smart Parking Systems and their Impact on the Efficiency of Parking Officers

    2023 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Ahmad, Alharbi,; Dincelli, Ersin

    Abstract: The adoption of smart city technology has become increasingly popular in cities ... Expand

    Topics: mobile system internet of things website open data

    Methods: regression analysis method statistical hypothesis test

    Theories: transaction cost economics

  • Towards Open Data Impact Evaluation Framework - An Empirical Analysis of the Demand-side Response

    2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: Ahmadi Zeleti, F.; Kerins, R.; Campbell, H.

    Abstract: Open data is widely presumed to have a social, environmental, political, and ec ... Expand

    Topics: open data online review data governance societal evaluation criteria decision making

    Methods: case study survey survey design product review

  • Practices for Responsible AI: Findings from Interviews with Experts

    2023 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Akbari Ghatar, Pouria; Pappas, Ilias; Vassilakopoulou, Polyxeni

    Abstract: Along with advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and organizations' abil ... Expand

    Topics: artificial intelligence competitive advantage decision making LinkedIn video conference

    Methods: qualitative interview literature study personal interview synthesis

  • Boundary Reinforcement in Multisided Platforms: A Configurational Analysis of External Conditions

    2023 | HICSS | Citations: 1

    Authors: Akinyemi, John Patrick; Jarvenpaa, Sirkka; Ozer, Gorkem Turgut

    Abstract: This article contributes to the discussion on the governance dynamics of platfor ... Expand

    Topics: digital ecosystem fuzzy logic Upwork software developer legal information system

    Methods: literature sample longitudinal research fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis triangulation

    Theories: fuzzy set theory management theory theory of abduction

  • Investigating the Use of Augmented Reality and Machine Learning in Electrical Engineering Courses

    2023 | International Conference on Business Informatics | Citations: 0

    Authors: Al Mehdawi, Miles; Dreesbach, Tobias; Gösling, Henning; Brinkmann, Marcel

    Abstract: The use of augmented reality (AR) in education and training is growing increasi ... Expand

    Topics: augmented reality smart device artificial intelligence smart glass extended reality

    Methods: design artifact experimental group qualitative interview survey parametric test

  • A Study for Sustainable IT: Management Effects of On-Premises and On-Demand IT on Carbon Intensity

    2023 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Alghamdi, Majed; Aghakhani, Navid; Park, Jiyong; Oh, On-Ook

    Abstract: Reducing the level of carbon intensity -i.e., the level of carbon emission -is ... Expand

    Topics: strategic management green IS environmental sustainability database system corporate governance

    Methods: longitudinal research Compustat descriptive statistic Breusch-Pagan test

    Theories: theory of economic growth

  • A Taxonomy of Algorithmic Control Systems

    2023 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Alizadeh, Armin; Hirsch, Felix; Jiang, Jennifer; Wiener, Martin; Benlian, Alexander

    Abstract: Algorithmic control (AC) uses digital technologies and advanced algorithms to c ... Expand

    Topics: organizational control organizational context computer hardware information technology capability Uber

    Methods: literature study case study theory development computational algorithm

    Theories: socio technical theory


    2023 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Alotaibi, Awatif; Barros, Alistair; Degirmenci, Kenan

    Abstract: Electric vehicles (EVs) are considered a product rather than a mobility service ... Expand

    Topics: privacy information privacy concern participatory design environmental sustainability decision making

    Methods: survey archival research survey design design methodology partial least squares path modeling

    Theories: privacy calculus theory service-dominant logic